Lafta Media Production

Our experience extends to 10 years in the field of media production with a creative team of content writers, videographers and professional photographers. We keep pace with development & progress with our clients ...

مؤسسة لفته للإنتاج الإعلامي خبرتنا تمتد الى عشر سنوات في مجال الإنتاج الإعلامي بفريق مبدع من كتاب محتوى ومستشارون في مجال الادارة والتسويق ومصورين محترفين نواكب بهم التطور والتقدم مع عملاءنا ...

Our Vision:

Creating real media that meets the image form in reality.


صناعة محتوى إعلام حقيقي يلبي شكل الصورة في الواقع

A seminar

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

We offer a wide range of creative services including motion graphics and commercial advertisements


We produced films that won first places internationally

Our movies

Year of the camel 2024

A film with a different idea - we shot it in US - A film that won international awards.


Filming an advertising video - Beauty perfume

Golden words ...

Share ideas with clients

a man sitting at a table looking at a tablet
a man sitting at a table looking at a tablet


Abdulazi Alhumaid

Business Consultant

Faisal Alharbi

Financial Consultant

Ahmed Bakhsh

Marketing Consultant

Saleh Morba

Media Consultant

Contact Us